Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Arquitectura de Proceso Digital

As i commented last week, i took part of a workshop about generative design as part of the creative process. with Andres Arias Madrid and Jose Ramon Tramoyeres from GGLab as Visiting Professors at Centro Universitario de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño.

i had the pleasure of sharing this project with Carlos Chenge Said, Pablo Lascurain, Martin Garcia Alvarez and Abraham Yaffer Cisneros, Architecture Students at CUAAD, a great working team, and overcoat great people.

Here's the final result of that long, tired, difficult but productive and exiting week. hope you like it

Exploration and experimentation with Electric Fields:

The project:

The proposal:

The failed materialization:

Unfortunately several problems and lack of time made it impossible for the fruition of the model of the project. but this is not a finished work, Electric Field is a tool that I found it very interesting and I hope to continue working, experimenting and developing new proposals


  1. Gracias camarada!, también fue un placer trabajar contigo y aprender de ti. Un abrazo.

  2. Hello Leonardo,
    Can i use the top picture as an album cover?
    greetings, Albert
